Gustavo A. Madero
Attorney at Law

Advises national and foreign clients acting as internal and external advisor and member of the Board of Directors, both in Mexico and in the United States.

As a dual-licensed US-Mexico attorney, he has in-depth knowledge and an active practice in both legal systems.

With experience on civil, commercial and corporate law, he proudly enjoys advising and representing foreign and domestic clients in a wide range of their personal and business-related matters.

After graduating from law school in Mexico City (Universidad Iberoamericana SC – 2006), he became a master in law (Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law – 2009) and was certified in management studies (Kellogg School of Management – 2009) as well as an executive that understands and applies the principles, approaches and best practices of management (Harvard Business School – 2012).

  • 2016 Supreme Court, U.S.A. SCOTUS Bar number 299692.
  • 2010 California, U.S.A. State Bar number 273390.
  • 2010 New York, U.S.A. Registration number 4825527.
  • 2006 Mexico. Professional license number 5174196

English and Spanish